By Jeff Vamos / March 4, 2014

Lent is a time for confession, spiritual house-cleaning, getting real. So let’s start here: I’m a lousy blogger. I see that my last entry is from spring 2012! But what better time than the eve of Lent to get back into the swing. And, truth be told, I’m just dipping my toe in, since I’ve asked the rest of the church staff to join me in this re-blogging discipline. Each of us has committed to do just one entry per week during Lent. Seemed to us to be a reasonable goal. After that, we’ll see how it goes.

I hope you will join us in this new adventure. We will not be writing a lot, won’t necessarily be aiming at profundity, but our main deal is to try to engage  congregation members and others in conversation through this still-new-to-us medium (blogging). Every week, we will be posing a question about…what it means to be a Christian, how you think about God, where you find church…things like that. The main point is not really to admire our brilliant insights – but to prompt you to provide your own. Brilliant or otherwise. Our goal is to get people engaged in conversation.

I fully expect crickets after I launch this blog entry – well, I will be providing the first entry! But if you are one of the first brave souls to read this, perhaps your response will help us to build some momentum.

 What’s Your Lenten Game Plan?

So, for this new, first-in-quite-awhile entry, I will be sticking to something tried-and-true: to ask you about what one typically does during Lent, if one is even nominally a Christian. I mean, to DO something. A discipline, a giving up something, a taking on something new. Lent is a time to examine old, not-so-life-giving habits, and to try out some new habits. Many of us are doing some form of screen or electronic fast. Some are doing the typical giving up alcohol or sweets. Great!

Some are also making a renewed commitment to spiritual discipline. Why not start with our own, very carefully prepared Lenten spiritual guide, called Pathways? If you want further ideas, I wrote a blog entry a while back with a bunch more suggestions. Cool!

And some of you are doing nothing at all new, and feeling great about it – please tell us about that too!

I said that these entries would be brief – the goal here is to get YOU to join in the conversation. So please – take one line, or five paragraphs. But would love to know your plan.