PCOL is a Matthew 25 Church

Matthew 25:31–46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us. Jesus says to his disciples:
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to me.”

PCOL has been a committed to these tenets over many  years, including the 35+ year Haiti mission, the strong engagement with Eggerts Crossing Village and Every Child Valued since the 1960’s, project Angel tree, and many local mission programs. In 2020 PCOL became officially a PC(USA) Matthew 25 church.

More recently PCOL has initiated and been involved in:

  • Workwell – aims to transform lives by teaching work and life skills and surrounding our trainees with a supportive human community. Started out as Cookwell program, a culinary job training program for returning citizens, transformed into Workwell, and is now an independent 501-c3 non-profit organization. PCOL has many active members involved in Workwell.
  • Refugee support through Interfaith Rise. We are currently supporting a family with four children, finding employment, housing, medical and dental health, school support and transportation.
  • Community Well. Initiated to engage more with the local community and build congregational vitality. The Community Well is a non-sectarian community-wellness-center located in PCOL, offering services to promote wellness of body, mind, and spirit as well as a sense of belonging and purpose in the Lawrenceville, NJ and Greater Princeton area. PCOL’s upcoming renovations will significantly enhance this program.
  • Love Thy Neighbor: We Responded to racism events by starting the “Love Thy Neighbor” (LTN) group, educating ourselves about structural racism and engaging with community events. This group joined with the Peace & Justice committee to engage with racial and social justice issues and education through book studies and movie and speaker events.