Class of 2025
Kris Deni
Phil Duran
Polly Little
Wendy Simpson
Sandy Stein
Class of 2026
Carrie Hotchkiss
Pamela Hughes
Chris Maurer
Greg Thompson
Tom Wilfrid
Class of 2027
Erin Cook
Kevin Graham
Meghan Henry
Gooitzen van der Wal
Allen Whipple
Class of 2025
Phil Duran
Matt Hullfish
Tina Koch
Cameron MacLeod
Class of 2026
Mark Madzy
Art Shearer
Jim Stocking
Lew Thurston
Class of 2027
Jacquie Earle
Karen Ellis
Lee Garwig
Ann Wiley
Class of 2025
Sherri Ahlers
Lori Citrone
Pam Ford
Tracey Gates
Roberta Gernhardt
Cynthia Korkuch
Mike McGeehan
Joni Whipple
Class of 2026
Lynn Dorsey
Suzanne Fobare
John Paul Koch
Christine Madzy
Richard Palleschi
Jennifer Rager
Sandy Stein
Ellen Thompson
Class of 2027
Walter Bitner
Marianne Calvo
Cheryl Cavanaugh
Cheryl Curbishley
Thomas Emerick
Jan Everett
Linda Mabee
Ted Simpson
- Adult Education Committee:
Thomas Wilfrid, Chairperson - Auditing Committee:
Lynn Dorsey, Chairperson - Budget Committee:
Lynn Dorsey, Chairperson - Buildings and Grounds Committee:
Matt Hullfish, Chairperson - Capital Campaign Committee:
Nancy & Stephen Jusick;
Wendy & Ted Simpson,
Co-Chairs - Capital Projects Advisory
& Planning Team (CPAPT):
Bob Sargent, Committee Chairperson;
Andrea Rabitz, Construction Project Manager - Children’s Ministries Committee:
Alicia Morrison, Chairperson - Deacons (Board of):
Cynthia Korkuch, President;
Cheryl Churbishley, Vice President - Generosity Team:
Jim and Nancy Stocking,
Co-Chairs - Haiti Task Force:
Ann Wiley, Chairperson - Mission Committee:
Jan Everett, Chairperson - Nominating Committee:
Rick Steen, Chairperson - Peace & Justice /
Love Thy Neighbor:
Gooitzen van der Wal and Jean Yepes,
Co-Chairs - Personnel Committee:
Ann Wiley, Chairperson - Planned Giving Committee:
Janet Macgregor-Williams, Chairperson - Treasurer:
Dennis Sheppard - Trustees (Board of):
Cameron MacLeod, President;
Matt Hullfish, Vice President;
Mark Madzy, Secretary - Worship Committee:
Polly Little, Chairperson - WorkWell Partnership:
Tom Wilfrid, President;
Wendy Simpson, Vice President - Youth Ministries Committee:
Alicia Morrison, Chairperson