
Important Information about Christmas Eve Services and Covid Protocol

2021-12-22T15:50:31-05:00December 22nd, 2021|Church, Highlighted, Uncategorized, Worship|

Given the latest developments with the COVID virus and increasing case/transmission rates, the Return to In-Person Activities Advisory Group has developed a new protocol designed to help us stay as safe as possible for our [...]

Return to In-Person Activities: November 2021 Update

2021-11-18T23:55:43-05:00November 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Returning to In-Person Activities Advisory Group RIPA Recommendations to Session for Gathering Safely  (Proposed for Session Approval on 11/17/21) Guiding Principles: Our policies will be guided by CDC and NJ state guidelines, providing faithful opportunities [...]

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