What Kind of Lord?
April 15, 2018, by Louise Johnson https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2018/Service+2018-04-15.mp3
April 15, 2018, by Louise Johnson https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2018/Service+2018-04-15.mp3
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville's new ministry, The Community Well, is featured in the March issue of the magazine Presbyterians Today. New uses for existing space by Sue Washburn The Community Well at the Presbyterian [...]
April 8, 2018, by Tom Baker What are the spiritual aspects of addiction and recovery? Addiction is a disease which is cunning, baffling and powerful but there is hope. https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2018/Service+2018-04-08.mp3
Easter Sermon, April 1, 2018, by Jeffrey Vamos Is it possible to prove the resurrection? N. T. Wright, the theologian and biblical scholar, wrote a 700-plus page book attempting to do that. The heart [...]
Camp Johnsonburg Scholarship applications are available in the church office. Scholarships are available for children ages 6-11. Applications are due by April 30, 2018. All applications will be reviewed by the Children's Ministries Team [...]
The Children's Choir will be singing in worship on Sunday, April 29, at 10:00am. Children will gather in the lounge at 9:30am to rehearse.
Sermon March 25, 2018, by Jeffrey Vamos What if we understood that Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was really a parody of those in power? Is it possible we might understand parody and humor as [...]
It's not too late to try a new Lenten discipline You are invited to experience the Lenten season in a new way this year. Through Good Friday, March 30, there will be new artwork [...]
HOW DID WE GET OUR BIBLE? April 15 and 22, 11:30am - 12:30 pm in the Lounge. Childcare provided. Have you ever wondered how we got the 66 books that we call the Bible? [...]
Sermon March 18, 2018 Jeffrey Vamos Is grief...good? And if so, how? How might we think of grief in light of the hope of the gospels? Dr. Vamos explores the story of the death [...]
Pastor’s Letter – April 2018 Dear Members and Friends of PCOL: The theologian Emil Brunner once wrote that the church exists by mission as fire exists by burning. We, the church, exist for [...]
For over 25 years, the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville has designated every February as Haiti Mission Month, to celebrate our ministry with Pastor Luc Deratus of Harmony Ministries in Haiti, to educate the congregation of [...]
Sermon March 11, 2018 Jeffrey Vamos How many of us have read Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, and been inspired to throw off all mediocrity, seek to embody the greatness that is ours if [...]
By Jan Everett and Nancy Richardson If you happen to be in the building during the week, you may see a young man working with Victor to keep our building clean. Ross has worked here [...]
PCOL Youth present a scripturally based drama, for this annual Youth-led worship service. https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2018/Service+2018-02-25.mp3 February 25, 2018
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Reverend Jeffrey A. Vamos