The Man in the Arena
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Thanks for taking the time to complete this information update. This is a vital communication tool for the church. Please print the survey form, fill it out, and return to the church office. Couples, please [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Matthew Pigman
Rev. William McQuoid
Men on a Mission Let's use this page to keep in touch about the work we're doing. September 19, 2014: Tomorrow, September 20, we will be doing a short work project to "re-plant" some of the [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Jill Cifelli
Matt Pigman
Dr. Tom Baker
October 5 - Chuck Colson and C. S. Lewis On October 5, our attention will focus on the spiritual transformations of Chuck Colson and C. S. Lewis. Colson was Special Counsel to President Richard Nixon [...]