The Problem of Prayer
Aaron Sizer
Aaron Sizer
Jill Cifelli
Robyn Whitaker
Louise Johnson
Reading and the Moral Imagination (September 22-October 6) Rick Osmer and Kristie Finley How does reading affect our ability to think and act morally? How can we encourage children and youth to explore their [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Louise Johnson
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
By Jeff Vamos The Online Webster’s Dictionary offers this definition for “salon:” “A fashionable assemblage of notables (as literary figures, artists, or statesmen) held by custom at the home of a prominent person.” Salons were [...]
Sunday, July 14th our Sunday morning worship service will be in the spirit of Taizé. Taizé is a worshipping community located in the Burgundy region of France. The worship of Taizé includes simple, meditative songs [...]
I want to share a recent experience that has provided me with a unique and valuable tool to assess my effectiveness as a pastor. If you're interested in using this process (which we did without [...]
PCOL Summer Fun nights continue Saturday, June 29 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Center with Sundae Bingo Night! PCOL will supply the ice cream, whipped cream, and beverages. Please bring a topping to share. Bingo [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos