Stewardship 2020: What’s in Your Wallet?
Pray with your money? Give first, pray later? Christian leader and author Tony Campolo was once a guest speaker at a mission rally, when he was asked to lead in prayer for a [...]
Pray with your money? Give first, pray later? Christian leader and author Tony Campolo was once a guest speaker at a mission rally, when he was asked to lead in prayer for a [...]
"God, our help in ages past... OUR HOPE for years to come." Please join us to celebrate our community and our church home at The Capital Campaign Kickoff Luncheon Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:15am – 12:45pm [...]
The Children's Choir will be singing in worship on Sunday, April 29, at 10:00am. Children will gather in the lounge at 9:30am to rehearse.