Pastor’s Blog

Bentham vs. the Bible: Can We Use Scripture to Justify Torture?

2018-04-14T11:44:30-04:00May 24th, 2009|Pastor's Blog, Uncategorized|

The sermon that I gave this morning deals with the question,  Is it right that our society self-consciously and self avowedly employs the method of torture in the effort to keep us safe?Without repeating the [...]

What would you do if Mary and Joseph arrived at your door?

2018-04-14T11:44:30-04:00December 10th, 2008|Pastor's Blog, Uncategorized|

We all know the story. Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem. No room in the inn. A stable is all they can find for their nightly digs.We might picture the typical first-century travel experience as [...]

Money, mulah, filthy lucre, mammon…how do YOU talk about it?

2018-04-14T11:44:30-04:00October 30th, 2008|Pastor's Blog, Uncategorized|

This week's blog question is on a topic that we're all thinking about - especially us'ns who are in the church biz: money. It's stewardship season! And although we emphasize that stewardship (a vastly misunderstood [...]

Lawrenceville Church a Web 2.0 Congregation? What Do You Think?

2018-04-14T11:44:30-04:00October 17th, 2008|Pastor's Blog, Uncategorized|

Jeff V. writing here.... I'm back after a long summer's nap. This post is really an attempt to re-establish our blogging practice as a church...and that's the subject of the post.I've obviously been rather reluctant [...]

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