The View from Friday
Sometimes failure is just...failure, when seen from the Friday point of view. But even in the darkest of moments, the most abject of failures, we are never alone. Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey [...]
Sometimes failure is just...failure, when seen from the Friday point of view. But even in the darkest of moments, the most abject of failures, we are never alone. Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey [...]
Sermon preached by Rev. Kyle Anderson, March 31, 2019.
If failure is a teacher, what does it have to teach us? Biblically, the answer could be understood in one word: trust. Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, March 24, 2019. [...]
God sent Ezekiel to do a task at which he ultimately failed. Did God believe that failure was the only teacher that could convey what Israel needed to learn? Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. [...]
Our images of success determine how we think of failure. Does success for you accord with your most deeply-held values? To use Stephen Covey's image, what is the wall against which your ladder is [...]
Sermon preached by Brett Gudeman, March 3, 2019.
Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, February 17, 2019.
How are we doing in our mission to serve Christ in this place, and in this time? Dr. Vamos reflects on the past year, and on the future, in his annual "State of the Communion" [...]
Should our religion make us comfortable? Just as a wimpy workout doesn't have much effect on our physical fitness, we can expect something similar in our practice of faith. Jeremiah and Jesus asserted [...]
One Body, Many Members The "body of Christ" is a metaphor that has been preached many times; we understand it to be synonymous with the Church. The implications, of course, being that God has [...]
The story of the Wedding at Cana is the story of a wedding gone almost disastrously wrong. Dr. Vamos tells the story of another - modern - wedding gone wrong, told by Robert Fulghum. [...]
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, preached January 13, 2019.
Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Louise Johnson, January 6, 2019.
Sermon preached by Rev. Kyle Anderson December 30, 2019.
When Elizabeth saw Mary, pregnant with Jesus, she was "filled with the Holy Spirit," and proceeded with some very enthusiastic words about the divine nature of their encounter. Enthusiasm literally means "In-Godded." Why is [...]
Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, December 24, 2018.
What would you do if someone cornered you at a cocktail party and said, "I'd like to talk to you about Jesus." Would you welcome the conversation? Run the other way? How do you [...]
Stand Up and Raise Your Heads Sometimes, the forces at work can overwhelm us. What can I do about gun violence, global warming, war? Dr. Vamos reflects on the two choices offered in Luke [...]