Traditional Service

At our 10am service, you’ll experience classic Presbyterian worship, in a setting that is beautiful in its simplicity.

Sunday Worship, 10am in the Meetinghouse

The place is significant: Christians have worshipped for over three centuries in our sanctuary, which we often refer to as “The Meetinghouse.” But though our worship is traditional, it’s not staid or overly formal. We follow a Presbyterian order, but often with creative elements, and music from a variety of sources. We place great emphasis on music as a way of praying and worshipping—hymns from a variety of sources that are sung with gusto, and other music offered by a choir of dedicated and enthusiastic singers. Lastly, our tradition is focused on the word preached; essential to our worship is preaching that elucidates the scripture so it can speak to our every-day lives.

If you would like to know more about what else happens on Sunday mornings, please visit our children’s ministries
page, and our adult learning page.

If you’re thinking of a visit, learn more about our worship here.