Worship Services
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville offers a variety of worship services.
Sunday Morning Traditional Service
10am weekly in the sanctuary, or as we call it, the Meetinghouse. Childcare is available, and Sunday School for K-6th Grade usually takes place during the service. We also livestream our traditional service each Sunday via Facebook Live. You can link to our livestream and download the order of worship here. Read more about the traditional service.
The Alternative Worship Service in the style of Taizé
Our Alternative Service occurs once per month via a worship experience patterned after the kind of meditative service originated through the Taizé Community in France. This service is a smaller, more intimate worship experience. Central to Taiźe worship is a focus on meditative singing. The words are often few and generally simple so that, through repetition, the music can be a means of both praying and listening to God. Another important characteristic of Taizé worship is silence. Scripture readings are followed by long periods of silence to create an opportunity for personal reflection and meeting with God. Are you looking for a space to breathe deeply and (re)connect with God? Join us in the Chapel at 7:30pm on the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome. Invite a friend!
Read more about our Alternative Worship Service here.
Worship Recordings
If you’d like a preview of our Sunday morning worship, you can listen to service recordings here.
Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville holds weddings, baptisms, and funerals for members of its own congregation and the community at large. Please see specific policies for each type of service.
Learn More About:
The Sacraments
Presbyterians observe two sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion (known also as the Eucharist). We celebrate communion seven times per year at our traditional service and weekly at Worship in a New Key.
Intergenerational Christmas Pageant, December 15
Intergenerational Christmas Pageant All are invited to play a part in our intergenerational Christmas [...]
Blue Christmas Service, December 18
Blue Christmas Service Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30pm Join us in the Meetinghouse on [...]
Service of Lessons and Carols
Service of Lessons and Carols December 22 During Worship Don’t miss our annual Service [...]