
‘A Christmas Carol’ by the Del Forzza Chamber Music Society

2024-12-03T20:12:09-05:00November 10th, 2024|Choir, Church, Fellowship, Highlighted, Music, Special Music Events|

‘A Christmas Carol’ by the Del Forzza Chamber Music Society December 22 at 3pm On Sunday December 22 the Del Forzza Chamber Music Society will hold a fundraising concert entitled ‘A Christmas Carol’ to [...]

Adult Education: Art and Faith

2024-11-28T00:58:05-05:00November 9th, 2024|Adult Education, Highlighted, Small Group Studies, Sunday Morning Classes|

Adult Education: Art and Faith November 3 & 10 The Adult Education Committee invites you to a two-part series led by Rev. Jeff Vamos, Kim Moulder, and Lee Garwig on faith and art through [...]

Consecration Sunday Celebration: “Sharing Our Bread”

2024-11-28T00:59:55-05:00November 1st, 2024|Fellowship, Highlighted, Traditional Service, Worship|

Consecration Sunday Celebration: “Sharing Our Bread” Sunday, November 17 Our 2025 generosity theme is “Sharing Our Bread.” During this generosity season, we’re publishing a weekly devotional that contains reflections and suggested spiritual practices on [...]

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