A Service of Lessons and Carols
1450569600 https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2015/Service+2015-12-20.mp3
1450569600 https://s3.amazonaws.com/pcol-media/sermons/2015/Service+2015-12-20.mp3
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Julia Sprague
In the case of inclement weather, check this page for information about postponements and cancellations. The deacon meeting scheduled for Monday, January 8 has been postponed to Monday, January 15 @ 7pm in the main lounge [...]
Click here to register!
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
Church is often the last place that uncomfortable subjects find a voice. Yet there is no part of life where our faith is not important; no private space where God is not allowed. What does [...]
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
Rev. Matthew Pigman
Rev. Darrell Armstrong
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos