Brother's Keeper vs. Their Judge
Darrell Armstrong
Darrell Armstrong
All are invited to a brunch in the church lounge sponsored by the Planned Giving Committee after worship on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014. This is rescheduled from Jan. 5 when the brunch was canceled [...]
by Matt Pigman / March 18, 2014 Many of us have been waiting for what seems like an unbearably long time for spring to come. After one of the snowiest and longest NJ winters on [...]
by Erin Counihan / March 12, 2014 We church folk like to name our Sundays. Easter Sunday Palm Sunday Transfiguration Sunday Epiphany Sunday Baptism of the Lord Sunday Pentecost Sunday and on and on. [...]
For Ash Wednesday, worshippers and neighbors have a variety of ways to practice their faith. For an hour in the morning and an hour at lunchtime, persons can drop in at the narthex (the lobby [...]
During the Annual Meeting of the congregation on January 26th, 2014, a very fruitful discussion took place about the short-term financial challenges the congregation faces, as well as the long-term planning process that is about [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Our Annual Levi Sunday Worship: Serving God through Our Service Sunday, February 2, 2013 Come in your jeans and ready to serve. In the Hebrew scriptures, the Levites, or children of Levi, were the tribe set [...]
21637964 24:04 sermon, preaching, church, Lawrenceville 1387843200 1
78768179 1:30:19 sermon, preaching, church, Lawrenceville 1387670400
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Louise Johnson
Jeffrey Vamos
Lukata Mjumbe
Resources: Handouts from How Can I Help? (November 10, November 17) Resources from recently concluded ICL courses are still available: The Character of God in the Old Testament Faith in Crisis: Luther and the Search for [...]
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos