Caring Ministries

Highlights from 2019-2020

2020-06-16T09:10:17-04:00June 16th, 2020|Adult Education, Children's Ministries, Church, Deacons, Fellowship, Highlighted, Men's Ministry, Mission & Peacemaking, News, Stewardship, Youth and Young Adult|

PCOL Highlights | 2019-2020 Highlights from the life of our church over the past year, including accomplishments and goals from our committees. From our Annual Congregation Meeting, June 2020.  

Remembering Victims of Racial Violence: A Response

2024-08-30T22:59:04-04:00May 30th, 2020|Adult Education, Blog for All, Caring Ministries, Children's Ministries, Church, Fellowship, Highlighted, Men's Ministry, Mission & Peacemaking, Music, News, Pastor's Blog, Staying Together, Uncategorized, Worship, Youth and Young Adult|

Remembering Victims of Racial Violence: A Response The recent deaths of three African Americans have once again raised concern about racial injustice across the country, including the cities where the deaths occurred. The Reverend [...]

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