There’s a story––one of many––in which people begin to crowd around Jesus. In this particular story, these people are parents who are bringing their children to Jesus so that he might bless them. The disciples see this and immediately put a stop to it. But Jesus, indignant, rebukes them saying, “Let the little children come to me, do not stop them.” I wonder in what ways are we like the disciples? In what ways might we be keeping our children from coming to Jesus? What might it look like for us, as the Church, if we are to be faithful to Jesus’ command to let the little children come to me? As we continue our sermon series we’ll look at how the field of positive psychology might add value to what we know to be sound practices for raising and nurturing our children and what we, as the Church, can learn as well.

Rev. Kyle R. Anderson, preaching
Job 2.3; 7-10
Mark 10.13-16