Special Fine Arts Events and Concerts
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville occasionally holds special concerts and performances. Please check our event listings for information about these events.
Music is a way to share faith, and invite the community into our doors. From Peter Yarrow (he of Peter, Paul and Mary fame) performing a children’s concert to a packed Meetinghouse, to the classic Benjamin Britten mini-opera, Noye’s Fludde, to the broadway musical Godspell, PCOL often provides special music for the community. Also, twice per year our Concertsingers offer special music – in worship. Brahms’s Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, Beethoven’s Magnificat are some of the classic pieces our choir has offered during the service marked off as Music Sunday.
Please watch our events calendar for upcoming special music events.
If you’re thinking of a visit, learn more about our worship here.
Recent Music Posts
Capital Campaign Kickoff Luncheon
"God, our help in ages past... OUR HOPE for years to come." Please join us to [...]
Make A Joyful Noise!
The Children's Choir will be singing in worship on Sunday, April 29, at 10:00am. Children [...]