Sunday, June 2 is Legacy Sunday!

Your college or university took care of you for four years of your life. They’re not shy about asking you to consider being generous in your estate plans. Why shouldn’t the church, which has taken care of you for life!

On Sunday, June 2 we’ll celebrate a number of things: strawberries; confirmation; voting; and of course, worship. We will also be recognizing our current Maidenhead Society members, who will receive a special piece of jewelry: a pin, designed by our own Jacquie Earle, and they are encouraged to wear it to celebrate their gift and encourage others. Of course, it’s also a moment to invite new members and friends to consider leaving a legacy gift to the church by joining the Maidenhead Society.

Becoming a member is easy!

To become a member of the Maidenhead Society, you simply need to make a commitment to leave a legacy gift as part of your estate plan. If you already have a will, doing so is easy, by creating a codicil. We’d be happy to help! Click here or more information.