Talking about race…

Friday, June 26 at 1pm via Zoom.

A panel discussion and conversation with Jametta Clarke, Vivian Harmon, and Fred Vereen, who are all leaders with deep roots in Lawrence Township.

Conversation is important for our community to do among ourselves, as a predominantly white congregation. But it’s important also that we gain perspective from the voices of black and brown leaders in our community. Join us for a panel discussion on Friday, June 26 at 1pm via Zoom.

Jametta P. Clarke is an Alabama native. No stranger to activism, her father was a civil rights activist during the 1980s, fighting to end gerrymandering in Alabama. Holding degrees in history and history education, she has picked up that torch and carries it proudly as a teacher at Lawrence High School and change agent in the local community and beyond.

Vivian D. Harmon is a New Jersey Licensed Social Worker and Certified School Social Worker with 20 years of diligent service to youth, adults and families. Vivian has extensive experience in various settings including: adolescent residential care, secondary and higher education student services, Intensive in Community Counseling, and the criminal courts. She has committed her education and career to empowering youth and families through education, trauma-informed and strengths based practices, advocacy, and civic engagement. She received 2 degrees from Rutgers University- B.A. in Political Science- Douglass College in 2001, MSW- Graduate School of Social Work in 2009. She also holds a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology. It is Vivian’s personal philosophy that every individual has the ability to attain greatness in all its forms. In order to achieve this greatness, it requires 3 basic things: a desire for greatness, the tenacity for the journey, and the unwavering support of committed persons. She has instilled this in her adult children, a niece and a nephew that she’s raised since they were young children and the youth that she has committed her life to serving every day. Vivian currently serves as the Director of Group Homes for the LifeTies, Inc. Rainbow and Triad Houses. She’s a native of Trenton New Jersey and new mother to a 5 month old daughter.


Fred Vereen moved in 1941 from Trenton to Eggerts Crossing when he was 7 years old. He graduated from Trenton High School in 1951 and served in the US Army from 1956-58. Fred has one daughter, one grandson, and one great granddaughter. He is past president of the Eggert’s Crossing Civic League, a charter member of Isle’s, Inc., and was appointed to the State Planning Commission from 1986-1995. He refurbished a vacant building on Landover Road, which later became the Lawrence Community Center, of which he was director from 1967-72. Fred worked with many from the community, including PCOL, on creating the affordable housing development Eggert’s Crossing Village, which he served as manager for 34 years, and later an after-school program called Every Child Valued, which exists in the community center of Eggert’s Crossing Village, named in his honor. He also served as manager of Architect’s Housing, a 122 unit Senior and Handicap facility in Trenton, for 39 years, and is Senior Warden of St. Michael’s Episcopal church in Trenton. Fred has an extensive family who reside in Lawrence and have been active in local politics. Fred is passionate about justice for people of color in our community.

The meeting ID is 890 0380 8105. Dial in: 301 715 8592 and use that meeting ID. Click the button below to go directly to the meeting. You will be placed in the waiting room as you join the call.