Join a Member Gathering this October. It’s fun!

And it’s also important for us all to think about this question: why am I part of the Body of Christ that is the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville? How are we being faithful to our calling to be salt and light for the world, and what is my commitment to the work God has called us to do? The Session is asking every member of the congregation simply to choose from one of the twenty five small group gatherings, hosted in members’ homes over dessert, wine and cheese or other goodies. Each gathering provides a chance for lively fellowship, and for affirming our commitment to this congregation’s important and inspiring mission.

The Session believes this new, uplifting approach to the church’s annual commitment program is an exciting way to think carefully together about who we are and what we are called to do – while we also deepen our ties and…have some fun!

Signing up is easy! Just click here to get to our sign up page, and select one of the group options.  You can also learn more about pledging to PCOL here.

Questions?  Email