Now that Sandy has receded from the headlines – the challenging work to stay focused on our obligation to help our neighbors becomes very real.

We’d ask that you continue to keep in mind ways to help.

1. Ongoing hands-on recovery work by PCOL members in Manasquan. In the weeks following Sandy, over 8 days, 23 of our volunteers helped through the relief effort in Manahawkin. Now that the schools are back in session and the urgent work there is now complete, we have been working with the First Presbyterian Church of Manasquan.  They too are soliciting requests for assistance, and matching willing volunteers; our congregation has fielded several dozen volunteers over the past few weeks. If you are interested in providing help, or volunteering for a day, please contact Rick van den Heuval for more information and to get on the distribution list.

2. Give to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Our national church body, the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Mission Agency, is involved in coordinating a national response to Sandy, and is receiving donations to supplement what will be given from the annual One Great Hour of Sharing. Click here to go to their website, where you can make a donation.

3. Continue to support local relief efforts that are ongoing. Since a good bit of local charity was redirected in the last month, we also need ton continue to support the local agencies that ALWAYS provide support for the neediest. See the websites of such organizations as Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), Crisis Ministry, and Homefront to learn how help is needed.