[Get a] Clergy Life
Several mini-seminars designed to enhance Clergy well-being. In addition to rest. And…charades.
This year, we decided to focus on “Clergy Life” – we’ll come together for experiences that are eminently practical to our lives as clergy. Participants will choose two two-hour seminars during Monday among the following:
Clergy Financial Life: A financial professional from the Board of Pensions will provide guidance on planning for retirement, college savings, and more.
Goal Setting and Time Management: A professional life-coach, conversant with clergy life, will provide an experience to help clergy focus on their goals and how to achieve them.
Clergy Family Systems: How does the psychodynamics of the parish, and the clergy family, affect our lives as clergy? A professional trained in Family Systems Theory will lead this seminar.
Vision Boarding: How do we discern what God is calling us to do…now?
Yoga and Massage: We are bringing one to two professional masseuses, and will provide a yoga class during our time together.
Spiritual Exploration Together. Our worship and plenary session on Tuesday will focus on practical ways to integrate scripture, worship and spiritual practice into clergy life.
And, of course, there will be ample free time, and in the evenings – time to kick back, and enjoy one another. (Some of us want a rematch on last year’s wicked charades game).