What Is the Maidenhead Legacy Society?

So many of us have been richly blessed with material and spiritual gifts, through a lifetime of diligent work and through faithful service to the church. Our gifts and the gifts of those who’ve gone before us have made possible a powerful witness to Jesus Christ for over 325 years. Planned giving offers a way to continue your giving by planting seeds for the future ministry of PCOL. The Maidenhead Legacy Society consists of those who have made such an investment in the future of PCOL, through a planned gift in their estate.

What Do I need to Do to Join the Maidenhead Legacy Society?

You simply need to make a commitment to include the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville in your estate plans. If you have decided to do so, or if you want more information, click here for our information form. The simplest means to do so is to write a codicil, or addendum, to your will. Click below if you want to download a sample codicil you can discuss with your attorney or estate planner. We would be very happy to provide someone from our Planned Giving Committee to provide more information or to guide you through it. Just email us at office@pclawrenceville.org, or call 609-896-1212.

Thank you to our current members!

We are so grateful to all those current members of the Maidenhead Society who are leaving a legacy gift for PCOL; and to many other members not listed here who have entered the Church Triumphant.

[Current members as of May, 2024]

Deborah Aicher

Jeanne & Richard Aicher, Jr.

Nancy Allen

Jim & Susan Blair

Robert Blazer

Jim & Sallie Campbell

Katherine B. Danbury

Brett Danko

Keith Dewey

Buz Donnelly

Sara Dubberly

Jan Everett

Jim &  Maryvonne Fouss

Lee & Ann Garwig

Roberta Gernhardt

Larry & Sue Goebel

Pat & Milt Grannatt III

William Haines & Ed Oehler

Barbara Hallows

William & Julia Hardt

John Huchler

Kirk Huckel

Sarah Jane Kennedy

Janet Macgregor-Williams

Brandt & Marilyn McCabe

Virginia McLeod

Dawn Monsport

Edith Pike

Janet Reiche

Nick & Joan Semenuk

Art Shearer

Christina Shu

Sandra Stein

Catherine Thomas

Jeff Vamos

Ann Wiley

Tom & Diane Wilfrid