Jeff Vamos’s sermon of Sunday, December 9, “Doomsday Preppers,” explores the spiritual motivation of those who are preparing to survive in a post apocalyptic world, as depicted in the show by the same name on the National Geographic Channel. How does this preparation differ from how Christians might prepare for such a possibility? And how does that relate to the kind of “apocalypse” (literally meaning, “revelation”) that John the Baptist and those in the First Century are envisioning?

Here are some links to resources mentioned in the sermon, for those who wish to explore further:

Krista Tippet’s interview with Xavier Le Pichon explores Le Pichon’s experience as a noted geologist, and his turn toward spirituality. Note especially the resonance with geological metaphors from the text of Luke 3, in how Le Pichon integrates his understanding of plate tectonics with human spirituality.

Rev. Vamos also mentioned a story from Storycorps, about Julio Diaz and his encounter with a knife-wielding mugger. You can hear the story form him here.

Lastly – you can also respond to the sermon or any of the material using the blog response below.