All Comers! A few folk from the staff are organizing (quickly!) an outing to Carnegie Hall in New York City, on February 18 (Presidents’ Day) to see the bluegrass band  called Monroe Crossing perform a bluegrass mass entitled The World Beloved – a production we may bring at some point to PCOL. The concert begins at 7:00 and we will purchase tickets (as a group) that will cost approximately $40.

More information by clicking here.

Like Bluegrass? Like to spend your Monday off in the City? Please RSVP (quickly!) to Jeff Vamos by Tuesday February 5 at 12:00 noon; we’ll be ordering tickets that afternoon. Please email Jeff or call the church office.

Plans for visiting the city and spending time prior to the concert are fluid and informal – we may craft a plan to go in together and visit a museum prior.