Haiti Task Force Update

Mark your calendar! Pastor Luc and his wife, Ronide, will be in Lawrenceville from February 2 – 6. We hope you will join us in worship on Sunday, February 5 to hear the latest update on Haiti.

When they are here, they will have some free time; we’d love to have church members/friends visit with them. Please let Ann Wiley (awileyemail@gmail.com) know if you would like to have them for lunch/dinner or if you would like to plan an outing with them.

Pastor Luc recently reported that despite the on-going emergency in Haiti, over 600 people attended church in Port-au-Prince on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, those parishioners who don’t live near the church were unable to travel to the church because of safety reasons – the gangs have taken over the streets making travel very dangerous – and the extremely high cost of gasoline.

Pastor Luc also reported that the school in Port-au-Prince was able to open in December and that the schools in Leogane, Thoman and LaSalle are expected to open this month.

The rebuilding of the church and school in Leogane is almost complete. The last thing to be completed is to pour the floor in the church. Unfortunately, because of the dangerous situation on the roads, Pastor Luc is unsure when this will be completed.

Because of the funds we gave Pastor Luc in June, he was able to purchase food to send home with the Port-au-Prince students and teachers. Food is extremely expensive. We will be giving Pastor Luc more money for the purchase of food when he comes in February. We hope you will give generously to the special offering on February 5.

Please join us on Sunday, February 5 when Pastor Luc and Ronide will be in church and will speak afterwards on the situation in Haiti.