By Jeff Vamos

The Online Webster’s Dictionary offers this definition for “salon:” “A fashionable assemblage of notables (as literary figures, artists, or statesmen) held by custom at the home of a prominent person.” Salons were a product of the Renaissance in Europe, and were a way of building a community of thinking people, simply by means of gathering and conversing.

Although less common in our modern era, and certainly not requiring the presence of “notables” as mentioned above, the tradition does persist among those who simply wish to invite people to gather for the conscious purpose of learning from and connecting with each other.

As a part of my Doctor of Ministry final project, whose theme is narrative theology, I am seeking to adapt the tradition of a salon to our Christian community. The purpose of these informal gatherings is simply to enable participants to tell stories from their lives as a way to connect with and edify one another. A number of PCOL leaders have agreed to host and lead story salons this fall, and will be inviting guests to their homes. In addition, there will be a number of general-invitation salons that I will host.

Although there will be no formal attempt to relate these personal narratives to the scripture or to Christian themes, such connections may naturally flow from the process, especially if they are not imposed on the group. We will let the spirit guide! My hope is that participants might discover on such an evening a wellspring that calls forth stories from them, and through those stories find connection with each other – and with larger narratives that offer meaning for our lives. But, whatever happens, by all means we’re aiming at having an enjoyable time!