Ash Wednesday, March 5
Wednesday, March 5 at 12pm and 6:30pm
Ash Wednesday begins with human touch, as oil and ashes are traced in the shape of a cross on our foreheads. From dust we were made; to dust we will return (Genesis 3:19). The intimacy of this symbolic act expresses God’s invitation to “be reconciled” right here, right now, in this moment, no matter how ready we feel, for “now is the acceptable time” (2 Corinthians 6:2b).
- Drop in between 12-1pm for a brief blessing and to receive the imposition of ashes, and/or
- Join us at 6:30pm in the Meetinghouse for an Ash Wednesday service featuring singer/songwriter Liam Fennecken ( Come and see how loved and how precious you really are, in all of your humanity, as we enter the season of Lent together.