Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house

– 1 Peter 2:5

We’re asking members and friends of the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville: please complete four easy steps to consider your giving for 2014 – it will take no more than 20 minutes, though the final step requests your presence in worship on November 3 to celebrate your giving. Each of the videos below stands alone, but it’s best if you can view them in sequence. We think that the materials here will provide an interesting, exciting and informative way for you to consider your giving in the coming year.

Step one: Gratitude

We begin by giving thanks for all the ways God has blessed us through this congregation, and enabled us to minister to people around us and around the world. Please watch the following video (about 4 minutes) of members and friends giving thanks for the mission and ministry of PCOL. Note: you can watch full-screen by clicking the box in the lower right corner. (Special thanks to Burkewood Creative for their wonderful video editing!)

Step two: Discernment

The following video will give you some important data and information about “the family budget” – where we are financially as a community of faith, and our goals for 2014 and beyond. This PowerPoint presentation takes about five and a half minutes. We have also provided a stewardship resource page, containing a narrative budget for 2014, and the data on which this presentation is based, along with other helpful resources. Note: you can watch full-screen by clicking the box in the lower right corner.


Step three: Commitment

We make it easy for you to make your pledge commitment to PCOL. Below you will find a link to our online pledge form, which will take you to a separate website. The amount of your pledge will only go to our pledge secretary, Tina Koch. Below and to your right is a button to access a very brief video about how you can automate your giving, by setting up an automatic payment, electronically, at your own bank. Why do we not accept credit cards? At this point, it’s because the credit cards cost us about 3.5% for each transaction.

Online Pledge Form Button v4video Automatic Pledge Payment v4




Step four: Consecration

It’s important that your gift not simply be a transaction – but an act of worship. Please join us for worship on Sunday, November 3, our Stewardship Celebration Sunday, to consecrate your gift – that is, to offer it in a spirit of worship as a holy gift to God. Below, you will find a link to a document that we ask you print and bring to worship. There, you will also be given a token you will use in the act of consecration at the end of worship.

Thank You Button

Thank you.

Your gift to the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville is important – each one of us is a “living stone, built into a spiritual house.” We are held together by the cornerstone that is Jesus Christ – but each of us is integral to the structure of the whole. Your gift is important – you are important to this community of faith. Thank you!

From: The Stewardship Committee of The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville