We’re pleased to announce that The Synod of the Northeast has awarded a $20,000 grant to fund our nascent job training program. This funding is in addition to $30,000 in seed funding from the Lower Fund, which was awarded by Session earlier this year. The program is set to begin in October, and will provide culinary training for four men who are returning from incarceration, to prepare them for work in the food service industry, which has a critical shortage of workers in our county. The program is a partnership among PCOL and Arm in Arm, First Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Mercer County Community College, The US Attorney for New Jersey, and The New Jersey Association on Corrections. Interested to know more? Contact Karen Buda (kbuda@communitywell.org).
jeffvamos2018-06-22T15:32:35-04:00June 22nd, 2018|Community Well, Highlighted, Mission, Mission & Peacemaking|