
Introduction: The Beginnings of the Renaissance in Florence

2018-04-14T11:38:39-04:00September 17th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Welcome! We hope you will use this supplemental page, which is meant to complement the "live" class on the beginnings of the Renaissance in Florence, scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 11:15am. Discussion. Please use [...]

Seeks Spiritual Growth

2024-08-30T20:26:25-04:00August 24th, 2012|Adult Education|

Affirms that faith is a journey that results in continuing change in belief and meaning Seeks to increase biblical knowledge and understanding Frequently engages in private prayer or meditation Seeks opportunities for spiritual growth [...]

Trusts & Believes

2024-08-30T20:27:34-04:00August 24th, 2012|Adult Education|

  Sees God as active personally, locally and globally Accepts both the divinity and humanity of Jesus Believes in God's love despite human suffering Accepts God's love as unconditional Experiences God's guidance in daily [...]

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