• Feels liberated, set free

  • Experiences meaning and purpose in life

  • Experiences a sense of peace

  • Has a deep sense of personal security

  • Experiences self acceptance

“Faith on the outside comes from knowing God on the inside.” (Unknown)


“Why am I here? Where am I going? Why can’t I be a better parent, spouse, friend, coworker or person?” Sometimes questions like these bubble up at unexpected times, making us wonder about the meaning of life itself. Where can we find meaning and purpose? Many people search for personal identity and security in terms of power, prestige, credentials, wealth or career. Some people yearn for acceptance by working hard to achieve goals, living up to the expectations of others or doing whatever it takes to be noticed by the right people. These strategies all have one thing in common: they depend on individual effort. Life becomes a treadmill of endless expectations and requirements and attempts to win favor, acceptance and recognition. “Is this all there is? Is this what life is meant to be?”

The central truth of the gospel is that God accepts us for who we are – beloved children of God. In fact, we can’t “earn” God’s love. We have only to accept it, live in the light of it and show it to others. Think of how we view our children. We love them for who they are – the belly laughs, their radiant smiles, the sticky fingers reaching up for a hug – not for what they do. God loves us that way, but then invites us to live out three kinds of love: love of God, love of self and love of neighbor. When we put the focus on these three things, our relationship to God deepens and we begin to understand God’s purpose for our lives.


  • When have you felt a strong purpose in your life?
  • What keeps you from being your authentic self?
  • Describe a time that you experienced peace, even in the midst of chaos. If you were to see yourself through God’s eyes, describe what you would see. How does this picture give you a sense of purpose, peace and acceptance?

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