Community Well

Capital Campaign Kickoff Luncheon

2018-10-30T07:54:38-04:00October 30th, 2018|Adult Education, Children's Ministries, Church, Community Well, Fellowship, Highlighted, Men's Ministry, Mission & Peacemaking, Music, News, Youth and Young Adult|

"God, our help in ages past... OUR HOPE for years to come." Please join us to celebrate our community and our church home at The Capital Campaign Kickoff Luncheon Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:15am – 12:45pm [...]

A $20,000 Grant for Our Job Training Program

2018-06-22T15:32:35-04:00June 22nd, 2018|Community Well, Highlighted, Mission, Mission & Peacemaking|

We're pleased to announce that The Synod of the Northeast has awarded a $20,000 grant to fund our nascent job training program. This funding is in addition to $30,000 in seed funding from the Lower [...]

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