Confirmation Information Meeting
Sunday, June 27 @ 11:15a via Zoom
With all that we’ve been through over the last 14+ months, we at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville are looking forward to returning to some sense of ‘normal’ in the fall. That means we are planning for the start of our 2021-22 Confirmation year in-person.
The goal of Confirmation is to give our students an opportunity to intentionally explore the reconciling love of God within a nurturing and inclusive community of confirmands and mentors, to wrestle with scripture and tradition, to think about what it means to work for justice and peace, and to ask where all of this intersects with our own lives.
Historically, we’ve thought about Confirmation as a kind of new members class for our young people, but that’s not it. Confirmation is a safe place to ask difficult questions in community. We encourage any high school student, who has not yet participated in Confirmation, and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to join us for an informational meeting. Your participation in this meeting is by no means a commitment to participate in Confirmation. The Zoom link and relevant documents can be found below. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Rev. Kyle Anderson with any questions.