Day-of-Creation-picOn Sunday, April 26, our congregation began worship in the Meetinghouse by reading scripture, singing a short hymn, and then asking God’s help and wisdom as we look to the future. Then, the majority of our worship time consisted of a “Holy Conversation” to discuss ideas put forth by the congregation to be considered as part of our future vision. The conversation was lively, and the spirit was with us! We stood around the ideas, which were written on a piece of paper and attached to a giant piece of butcher paper attached to the walls, and discussed, added to, and enhanced each idea – and created some new ones also. If you want to know about how ideas were developed in that conversation, and which ones seemed the most “liked” – i.e. received the most colored dots – please first download this document, a key toward finding where that idea appears on the pictures of the butcher paper, which can be found by clicking here. That link opens pictures of the butcher paper corresponding to each idea. Note that some new ideas were generated that are not indicated on the “idea key” document, but you’ll find in the gallery of pictures. To get a sense of the conversation, you can also view a short video clip of the event here. Questions? Comments? Just add them below