Annual Giving Campaign 2024: “Grace at the Center”

As a congregation, we are entering a time of discerning what resources we will have to support our work next year. Will you take the simple step of making a commitment to support that work over the next year? The decision to give a gift is a choice. As a follower of Jesus, it is something we are called to do. We are invited to respond to what God has given us with our own generosity. And make no mistake – your generosity will make a difference as we work to accomplish positive change in the world. These have been – and continue to be – challenging times for many in our community and our congregation. Giving may be more difficult than it has been in the past. Please know that we celebrate all gifts – regardless of their size – because all our gifts come together to support PCOL’s ministry and mission. We hope you can join us November 6 as we follow our declaration of support for the church over the coming year with a celebration of our fellowship. The centerpiece will be a BBQ provided by expert grill masters and bakers, who are also members of our church.

Commitment Sunday is November 5

All members will receive via U. S. mail a Giving Packet for 2024, including pledge card, and we ask that all prayerfully consider their giving commitment for the coming year, realizing that it’s an act of faith. We realize that circumstances may change for people, but registering your giving intentions helps our leadership plan for the future financially. Please bring your pledge to worship on November 5, when we will dedicate our gifts to God during worship, and then have a celebration meal consisting of delicious and festive lunch, complete with a magic show! You can also give online (see below) and consecrate your gift with a giving token during worship.

Pledge and give online!

This year, we particularly want to encourage everyone to register your pledge online, and to set it up so it gets paid automatically through your bank account or credit card. It’s easy! Here’s a quick tutorial and video.