Is That In the Bible? A Five-Part Sermon and Bible Study Series Beginning May 25

Have you ever heard or said a phrase, SURE that it was in the Bible somewhere? This five-part “power lunch” Bible study (45 min. at noon) and accompanying sermon series is about some of those very familiar sayings that people assume are in the Bible, but actually are not. As we explore, we will find that there is some truth to them, half-truths one might say, but they lack the full context of scripture. Our reflection will focus us on what the Bible actually does say. The sayings include:

  • Everything happens for a reason
  • God helps those who help themselves
  • God won’t give you more than you can handle
  • Love the sinner, hate the sin
  • God said it, I believe it, that settles it

Two Ways to Reflect

For five Sundays starting on May 28 Jeff Vamos and Kyle Anderson will be focusing on these topics through the sermon. For those who want to go deeper and reflect on these questions in community, you can join a companion Zoom Adult Education study, based on the series “Half Truths” by Adam Hamilton and companion videos. The 45-minute Zoom sessions will take place Thursdays at noon, beginning May 25th.

Check out a preview

Watch the preview for the videos we’ll be using for the Thursday afternoon Zoom study.