
We hope you will use this supplemental page, which is meant to complement the “live” class on the beginnings of the Renaissance in Florence, scheduled for Sunday, September 23 at 11:15am.

Discussion. Please use the response boxes provided below to ask questions, make comments, suggestions – anything to extend our classroom experience.

Take a Virtual Tour of the Baptistery of San Giovanni and the Piazza del Duomo. Please have fun taking a virtual tour of the Baptistery of San Giovanni: Outside the Baptistery and Piazza del Duomo; and Inside the Baptistery.

Suggested Lecture. If have an hour to spend, and would like to hear a lecture that will offer you a very good overview of some of the main themes explored in this class, listen to Dr. Anthony J. Heideman’s lecture: introduction to the Renaissance. Be sure to click on lecture number 39.

Interested in art? Check out the Google Art Project’s Virtual Uffizi HERE. You will find some of the Uffizi’s most famous works appear when you click the link.

For a timeline of the Renaissance, click here.