There will be an Author Event hosted by Temple Micah on Tuesday November 7 at 7:30pm.  Author Meryl Frank will speak about her book Unearthed, which is the story of her search for the truth about her ancestors’ lives and deaths during the time of the Holocaust.

“Meryl Frank’s Unearthed is a distinctive and unique book in the field of Holocaust literature. Not a direct autobiography of a survivor, rather an autobiography of one woman’s journey to trace the final days of several of her ancestors. At times a mystery story, or an autobiographical journey, or a love story or historical background, the book grabs the reader’s attention from the beginning and doesn’t let go… At times touching, sad, amusing, thrilling, joyful, and always amazing, Unearthed is not merely a distinctive or unique book—it is a definite must-read.” (

Registration is required for this event, and the registration form can be found at Tickets are $18 in advance/$25 at the door.