• Affirms that faith is a journey that results in continuing change in belief and meaning
  • Seeks to increase biblical knowledge and understanding
  • Frequently engages in private prayer or meditation
  • Seeks opportunities for spiritual growth

“I pray because I can’t help myself.  I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping.  It doesn’t change God, it changes me.”  (C. S. Lewis)


Just as our relationships with our parents, siblings, children and friends grow and change as we mature, our relationship to God can grow and mature as well. How does this happen? In the same ways that our human relationships grow. First, we spend time with others in order to get to know them better. In the same way, we need to find time to spend with God in prayer, worship, Bible study and fellowship with other Christians. Second, when we want to know people better, we ask them to share their personal stories. When we want to find out more about who God is, how God works, what God values and how God wants us to live, the Bible is our source for God’s story. Third, our relationships grow when we share the things that are most important to us with another person. When we pray, we share who we are with God and what is on our hearts and minds, be they concerns and burdens or expressions of joy and thanksgiving. All of these practices are ways to deepen our relationship with God. Just as in any relationship, growth does not happen overnight. What would it look like to take a new step each day?  


  • When do you find it easiest to converse with God in your daily life?
  • As you reflect on your current spiritual practices, in what ways do you feel satisfied, and in which areas do you desire more growth?
  • One year from now, how will you know if your biblical knowledge has increased?
  • What are some ways that you currently connect with God? How might you enrich these practices and discover new ways of drawing close to God?

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