Spirituality and Mental Wellness Group

This is a no-cost, no-commitment spirituality group that meets monthly. We gather as a small group to focus on our spiritual practices, enhancing our mental health.  All are welcome to join us at our next meeting on Saturday, April 5 in Room 105. (Please note that we have changed our regular monthly meeting time to the first Saturday of the month.) For more information, please contact Marcia MacKillop at info@insolidaritycounseling.com.

The Rev. Marcia MacKillop also offers one-on-one counseling through the In Solidarity Counseling Practice.  In Solidarity Counseling is now taking Horizon BCBSNJ, as well as (government backed) Medicare and Princeton Theological Seminary insurance benefits. Openings and flexible times are available.
Call or email: (609) 672-6668 | info@insolidaritycounseling.com