Over two thousand years ago God gave the world a miraculous gift, Jesus Christ.  The season of Advent is the time when we remember God’s promise of a savior, celebrate its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus, and prepare our hearts to receive the new life, love and joy that he brings.

Advent reminds us that God was at work in the lives of common folk like shepherds working the night shift, a carpenter with marriage on his mind, a young girl planning a wedding, and an older couple whose lives were about to change dramatically.  Advent is an open invitation to consider the ways that God is still at work calling us to new forms of faithfulness.  Join us as our community prepares to celebrate Jesus’ birth and explore what it means to be called, fed, and sent during this Advent season.

December 2 – Exploring God’s Call
God calls each of us to act on our faith.  Mary and Joseph show us two different ways of responding to God’s call.  Come and learn from Mary and Joseph, hear from members of our own faith community, and consider how God might be calling us today.

December 9 – Exploring How We Are Nourished and Fed
Birth is usually a happy event in the midst of a supportive community.  However, Mary’s  situation provided her with little comfort, reassurance or encouragement.  She turned for support to her relatives, Zechariah and Elizabeth.  Their acceptance and their deep faith in God nourish Mary body and soul.  What does it mean to be a part of a community today?  What resources are available for our own spiritual nourishment?

December 16 – Exploring What It Means to be Sent
We are each changed by our faith in Jesus Christ.  Join us as we consider how the shepherds were changed, how they responded to their encounter with Jesus, and how God might be nudging us to use our time, energy, and resources in faithful ways today.