Preliminary Financial Picture for 2012:


A report from Elder Sherri Ahlers, Chair of the Stewardship Committee:

It’s the beginning of January 2012 when the leadership of the church begins to see what resources we will have to carry on the work and ministries of our church this year.  We want to make you aware of the current results of our pledging efforts as compared to where we were at this time in January 2011.

We have received a comparable number of pledges; however, the total amount of dollars pledged has decreased.

Jan. 4, 2011                Jan. 3, 2012
229 pledges                228 pledges
$640, 098                    $557, 355

The elders of the church are grateful for the generosity of this congregation and thank you for your pledges. If you have not yet sent in your pledge or you would like to increase a pledge you’ve already made, it is not too late.  Even $500 more can make a difference.  See the list below for what $500 can do for our church. The Session will be meeting mid-January to build and approve the budget for 2012.

We will continue to update this page as results come in.

Does $500 really make a difference?

YES!  Here are some things that $500 can do at our church:

  • Support 3 children in Sunday School and LOGOS as they learn about God’s love
  • Allow 1 teenager to go on a mission trip or to a church conference to help those in need and to learn about serving God in the world
  • Provide a month’s worth of nutritious food for 5 families through Crisis Ministry, which the church supports through its mission giving
  • Help a family avoid the agony of eviction and homelessness by paying back rent through Crisis Ministry, which the church supports through its mission giving
  • Pay for 1 week of heat in the church buildings
  • Provide choral music and directing for 12 children as they sing praise to God
  • Provide counseling for 20 people in need of help at Trinity Counseling Service, which the church supports through its mission giving
  • Pay for 2 weeks of insuring the church
  • Provide 5 days of custodial care for our historic buildings
  • Provide parking lot snow plowing for 1 major snowstorm
  • Provide for worship leadership one Sunday per year as people gather to praise and thank God.

Many thanks to those members of our congregation who have responded so generously to the year-end appeal for a one-time gift, as separate from the stewardship pledge. More than $20,000 has been received in the church office so far.