Parent Involvement

We believe parent interest and participation gives children the support and security they need to become active learners. Our cooperative preschool is a wonderful way to learn “positive guidance skills” and be involved in your child’s early education. Parents take turns serving as the third adult in the classroom. In this role of “helping parent,” they work alongside the teachers and have the chance to observe their own children and share in their growth, as well as to get to know the staff and other students.

We actively encourage parents to share their individual talents and interests. Children love sharing their school experiences with parents, and eagerly look forward to being the “helping child.” Each family serves in various volunteer positions to help in the operation of our school.

Parent Testimonials 

“LPP is so much more than the place where my children learned their ABCs, sorting and grouping skills, and how to build a volcano. It is a community, where the kids learned to share and to care, where my whole family was included in helping to build the foundations of who these little people will grow up to be.”  – Rebecca, parent

“Two years at LPP provided my son with the best possible preparation for kindergarten. He started elementary school with the skills he needed to learn to read and to advance into true math, but more importantly, he was completely at ease socially with the other children and was able and willing to respect and learn from his teachers.” – Mike, parent

“After visiting and getting to know many of the area nursery schools, and then having my two daughters attend LPP, I have come to believe that this preschool is the best kept secret in Mercer County!” – Heather, parent