Please watch this page for updates

[Updated March 18, 3:00 pm]
Worship via Live-stream. Following state and national guidelines, we’ve canceled in-person worship; however, we will be live-streaming our 10am worship service, led by several worship leaders and singers, through Facebook Live. We encourage you to get the broadcast through Facebook since you’ll be able to use the chat/comment feature, which will enrich our worshipping experience together. Not on Facebook? No problem; just go to our dedicated live-streaming page, where you can receive the live-stream feed.
Weekly congregational Zoom meeting. Catch some of your fellow church-members via an all-
member Zoom meeting Fridays at noon. Just click the “Zoom” icon here to go to the meeting. Or dial in using 646-558-8656. Use the following meeting ID: 286 694 017.
Daily “Encouraging Word” Video Podcast. We are working on a video podcast, called “Encouraging Word,” which will be offered Monday through Thursday. We’ll be updating this page with more information about how to subscribe.
Stay in touch via our e-News. We’ll be updating the congregation each Friday via our weekly e-News, which will contain a complete listing of all the activities and programs (most of them remote/via video cast), and other important and useful information. Please subscribe if you are not currently receiving it.

In-person programming is canceled until further notice. Be advised that all in-person programming will be canceled, unless participants are otherwise informed. We will be using various forms of online and remote technology to gather. Watch this page for further updates, and sign up for our e-News for frequent updates.