Welcome to the Stewardship 2013 Page

We hope this information will help you as you prayerfully make a decision about your 2013 giving commitment to The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville.  We would commend to you 4 easy steps before Sunday, November 11 – our Commitment Sunday – when we will dedicate our giving commitments (pledges) at our 10am and 5pm services.

Step 1: Please watch the below video, with a message from Jeff Vamos on behalf of the Session.  (It’s less than 4 minutes).

Step 2: Please give thanks for what we’re accomplishing be reviewing our narrative budget here.

Step 3: Please find the pledge card that was mailed or given to you – or click here if you need a copy – and reflect on your giving commitment for 2013.  We encourage you to discuss that decision with your spouse and family, if that is appropriate for you.

Step 4: Please come to dedicate your gift this coming Sunday, for our final consecration, at either the 10am or 5pm worship service. We will enjoy a “Sundae Sunday” in celebration, and our initial giving tally will be announced.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact our stewardship committee at stewardship@pclawrenceville.org.