A Class for All Adults Who Are Curious About Jesus and Bible Times
11:30 AM -12:30 PM – Church Lounge

You are warmly invited to explore the first-century setting in which Jesus lived. In this series we will examine how the Dead Seas Scrolls provide insights into the life of Jesus and his followers, how archaeology informs our understanding of ancient Galilee and Judea, how crucifixion functioned within Roman imperial practices, and how the notion of resurrection developed and evolved in ancient Judaism.
Dead Sea Scrolls Share your questions and insights on this topic with others by commenting in the “Speak Your Mind” section at the bottom of this page.” Map of Israel

To see more images for this series, click here.

Also, check out the

Archeology, Jesus, and the Resurrection – Series Videos

Feb  12

The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls *Video Now Available*

– Dr. James H. Charlesworth

Join us to learn everything you have always wanted to know about the mysterious and exciting Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Charlesworth will help us understand the significance of these ancient texts for understanding the Judaism of Jesus’ day.

Feb 19

John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Amazing Shifts in Thinking *Video Now Available*

– Dr. James H. Charlesworth

In this session Dr. Charlesworth will show us how the Dead Sea Scrolls shed light on the two central figures of the Gospels—Jesus and John the Baptist.

Feb 26

Jesus in His Galilean Context

– Dr. Shane Berg

Knowing where a person grew up and lived often helps us understand and know that person better. Dr. Berg will give us an overview of the places in which Jesus lived and worked and a sketch of the society and culture of first-century Galilee.

Mar 04

Jesus in His Judean Context

– Dr. Shane Berg

The last momentous week of Jesus’ life was spent not in the familiar environs of Galilee but in and around the holy city of Jerusalem, the capital of Judea. In this session Dr. Berg will paint us a picture of daily life in ancient Jerusalem.

Mar 11

From Pits to Publications – Life on a Real Dig in Israel

– Dr. Louise Johnson

Much of what we know about the ancient world comes through the hard and dirty work of digging up artifacts, painstakingly documenting dig sites, and carrying out the monumental task of publishing all the results for the benefit of fellow scholars. Come and hear our own Louise Johnson describe her experience on archaeological digs in the Holy Land.

Mar 18


– Dr. Shane Berg

Crucifixion was a cruel and painful way to die. Dr. Berg will explain why the Romans found this form of capital punishment so effective and when they elected to use it, including in the case of Jesus of Nazareth.

Mar 25


– Dr. Shane Berg

The idea of resurrection had a long and interesting history in the Jewish tradition prior to the time of Jesus. In this final session Dr. Berg will discuss how knowing the history of this idea helps us to understand more clearly the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection.

Dr. James H. Charlesworth
Dr. Shane Berg
Dr. Louise Johnson

In addition to the images below, you can

explore the Qumran community through this Virtual Tour.

Dead Sea Scroll Cave Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scroll Fragments
Excavation: Ancient Judea The Crucifixion Israel