
Two Ways to Worship

2020-10-13T23:00:53-04:00October 13th, 2020|Adult Education, Caring Ministries, Children's Ministries, Church, Fellowship, Highlighted, Men's Ministry, Music, News, Staying Together, Traditional Service, Worship, Worship, Youth and Young Adult|

Two Ways to Worship NEW: there will be two ways that you can participate in our worship livestream on Sunday mornings. Of course, you can participate on Facebook LIVE in the same way you have [...]

Your Stewardship Packet Is On the Way

2020-10-19T11:56:02-04:00October 7th, 2020|Adult Education, Church, Fellowship, News, Stewardship|

Please look for your stewardship packet, arriving soon! October 7, 2020 - Members and friends, please be on the lookout for your stewardship mailing for 2021, arriving in your mailbox soon. We ask all those [...]

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