
A $20,000 Grant for Our Job Training Program

2018-06-22T15:32:35-04:00June 22nd, 2018|Community Well, Highlighted, Mission, Mission & Peacemaking|

We're pleased to announce that The Synod of the Northeast has awarded a $20,000 grant to fund our nascent job training program. This funding is in addition to $30,000 in seed funding from the Lower [...]

We Do Not Lose Heart

2024-08-30T23:21:22-04:00June 19th, 2018|Highlighted, Sermon Audio, Sermons|

  Could you find something in yourself that would make you content, no matter what the weather? Sermon preached by Jeff Vamos, June 17, 2018. Exodus 25:31-40 (selections), 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 [...]

Member of the Week 2018

2018-10-02T00:02:34-04:00June 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Chris and Sherri Ahlers – members since 2007 Chris and Sherri joined PCOL soon after moving to Lawrenceville eleven years ago. They chose PCOL because of its proximity to their home, but they stay “because [...]

Seeing in Color

2024-08-30T23:22:25-04:00May 18th, 2018|Church, Sermon Audio, Sermons|

Have you ever had what you'd consider a spiritual - or mystical - experience? Such experiences are common, and people often ignore them, or are even ashamed to share them, because they fear people [...]

Deacon/Member Recognition Sunday – May 6

2018-05-08T10:26:18-04:00May 3rd, 2018|Church, Traditional Service, Worship, Worship|

Join us as we celebrate ALL our members, but especially highlighting those long-time members whose year of joining ends with an "8." See their member profiles in our Member Recognition Brochure: DOWNLOAD THE MEMBER RECOGNITION [...]

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